Quantum Computation and Quantum Information | Quantum | |
Kubernetes: Up and Running | Kubernetes | |
Designing Data-Intensive Applications | Databases Web Dev System Architecture | |
Theorieboek Personenauto | Cars | |
Superintelligence | Philosophy AI | |
Learning Go | Go | |
Sophie's World | Philosophy | |
March of The Penguins | Marine Biology | |
Learning Unix for OS X | Unix MacOS | |
Terraform: Up & Running | Cloud | |
Pro Git | Version Control | |
Algorithms (4th Edition) | Algorithms | |
Python for Data Analysis | Data Analysis Python | |
JavaScript: The Definitive Guide | JavaScript | |
Laravel: Up & Running | PHP | |
Fundamentals of Astrodynamics | Physics Astronomy | |
Practical Vim | Vim | |
Version Control with Git | Version Control | |
The Pragmatic Programmer | Computer Science | |
DNS and BIND | DNS Networking | |
Learning DevSecOps | DevOps | |
Operating Systems: Three Easy Pieces | Operating Systems | |
OAuth2 in Action | Security Web Dev | |
Reasons To Stay Alive | Philosophy | |
Machine Learning in Finance | AI Finance | |
Effective TypeScript | TypeScript | |
Programming Rust | Rust | |
How Linux Works | Linux | |
Docker: Up & Running | Docker | |
Johnny Got His Gun | | |
Seven Languages in Seven Weeks | Programming Languages | |
Deep Utopia | AI Philosophy | |
WebSocket | Web Dev | |
Basic Economics | Economics | |
Learn You a Haskell for Great Good! | | |
The Data Warehouse Toolkit | | |
Modern Operating Systems | Operating Systems | |
ES6 & Beyond | JavaScript | |
Building Evolutionary Architectures | System Architecture | |
Chaos Engineering | Computer Science | |
The Idiot | Philosophy | |
gRPC: Up & Running | Computer Science Networking | |
Introduction to Functional Programming | Functional Programming | |
Learning GitHub Actions | CI/CD | |
Learning Modern Linux | Linux | |
Learning Spark | Statistics | |
Practical Lakehouse Architecture | Statistics System Architecture | |
Web Application Security | Security Web Dev | |
Understanding Distributed Systems | System Architecture | |
The Design of Everyday Things | UI/UX | |
Advanced Topics in Types and Programming Languages | Computer Science | |
Zero Trust Networks | Security Computer Science | |
Numerical Optimization | Math | |
The C Programming Language | C | |
Understanding the European Union | Europe | |
Building Microservices | Web Dev System Architecture | |
As Gods Among Men | Philosophy | |
Database Internals | | |
Digital Signal Processing 1: Basic Concepts and Algorithms | Digital Signal Processing | |
Critique of Pure Reason | Philosophy | |
SQL Cookbook | SQL | |
HTML & CSS: The Good Parts | HTML CSS | |
Zero to One | Business | |
The Feynman Lectures on Physics | Physics | |
NASA Systems Engineering Handbook | | |
Programming Pearls | Computer Science | |
Digital Marketing Analytics | Marketing Statistics | |
Into the Wild | | |
Basic Principles of Cell Signaling | Biology | |
Managerial Accounting: Cost Behaviors, Systems, and Analysis | Finance | |
Malware Analysis and Introduction to Assembly Language | Assembly | |
FinTech: Foundations, Payments, and Regulations | Finance | |
Finance of Mergers and Acquisitions: Valuation and Pricing | Business | |
Construction Project Management | Engineering | |
Microeconomics Principles | Economics | |
Supply Chain Management and Analytics | Business | |
International Business Context | Business | |
Supply Chain Planning | Business | |
Procurement & Sourcing Introduction | Business | |
Oil & Gas Industry Operations and Markets | Business | |
Supply Chain Analytics Essentials | Business | |
Supply Chain Management: A Learning Perspective | Business | |
Supply Chain Logistics | Business | |
The Principles of Real Estate | Business | |
Introduction to International Criminal Law | Law | |
Chip Wars | | |
The Data Engineering Cookbook | PHP | |
Advanced Financial Reporting: Accounting for Business Combinations and Preparation of Consolidated Financial Statements | Finance | |
From Climate Science to Action | Climate | |
Game Theory | Game Theory | |
Introduction to Neural Networks and PyTorch | AI | |
Know Thyself - The Value and Limits of Self-Knowledge: The Examined Life | Philosophy | |
Planning for Climate Change in African Cities | Africa Climate | |
Indigenous Canada | Canada | |
Modern & Contemporary American Poetry (“ModPo”) | America | |
Baseball and Americanism | America | |
From Freedom Rides to Ferguson: Narratives of Nonviolence in the American Civil Rights Movement | America | |
Asian American History and Identity: An Anti-Racism Toolkit | America | |
Race and Cultural Diversity in American Life and History | America | |
Modern American Poetry | America | |
American Deaf Culture | America | |
The American South: Its Stories, Music, and Art | America | |
American Politics, Society, and History | America | |
American Education Reform: History, Policy, Practice | America | |
Civic Engagement in American Democracy | America | |
History of Rock, Part One | PHP Earth | |
Race, Gender, and Culture | | |
Sex from Molecules to Elephants | Biology | |
Privacy in the USA | Privacy | |
Let’s Read! Learning Japanese through Science & Technology-2 | Japan | |
Studying at Japanese Universities | Japan | |
Let’s Read! Learning Japanese through Science & Technology-1 | Japan | |
Words Spun Out of Images: Visual and Literary Culture in Nineteenth Century Japan | Japan | |
Object Tracking and Motion Detection with Computer Vision | AI | |
Songwriting: Writing the Lyrics | | |
The Technology of Music Production | | |
Hospitality Luxury Brand Management | Marketing | |
Anatomy: Musculoskeletal and Integumentary Systems | Biology | |
Blockchain Security - Foundational Concepts | Crypto | |
Operations Research (3): Theory | | |
Advanced Microsoft Power BI | Statistics | |
System Dynamics | Engineering | |
C# for .NET Developers | C# | |
Intro to Operating Systems 1: Virtualization | Operating Systems | |
Natural Attenuation of Groundwater Contaminants: New Paradigms, Technologies, and Applications | Water | |
Intro to Digital Manufacturing with Autodesk Fusion 360 | CAD | |
Guided Tour of Machine Learning in Finance | AI Finance | |
Causal Inference | | |
Sensors and Sensor Circuit Design | | |
Linux System Programming and Introduction to Buildroot | Linux | |
Out of core nuclear fuel management: front end | Nuclear | |
Service-Oriented Architecture | System Architecture | |
Software Architecture | System Architecture | |
Object-Oriented Design | Computer Science | |
Introduction to Thermodynamics: Transferring Energy from Here to There | Thermodynamics | |
Dentistry 101 | Biology | |
Introduction to Cybersecurity Tools & Cyberattacks | Security | |
Database Management Essentials | Databases | |
Light Emitting Diodes and Semiconductor Lasers | Physics | |
Introduction to Seaweeds | Marine Biology | |
Foundations of Quantum Mechanics | Quantum | |
Quantum Mechanics | Quantum | |
Mandarin Chinese 2: Chinese for Beginners | Chinese | |
中國園林文學 (一) (Chinese Garden Literature (1)) | Chinese | |
How to Write and Publish a Scientific Paper (Project-Centered Course) | Science | |
Confronting The Big Questions: Highlights of Modern Astronomy | Astronomy Philosophy | |
Understanding Plants - Part II: Fundamentals of Plant Biology | Biology | |
Understanding Plants - Part I: What a Plant Knows | Biology | |
The History of Rocket Science | Astronomy | |
Blockchain Basics | Crypto | |
Design Basics of Steel Buildings | Engineering | |
Spacecraft Relative Motion Kinematics and Kinetics | Physics Astronomy | |
AWS: Threat Detection, Logging and Monitoring | AWS | |
Entrepreneurial Mindset | Business | |
Generative Design for Additive Manufacturing | AI Engineering | |
Natural Disaster Risk in Infrastructure Projects | Engineering | |
Getting Started with Leadership | Teamwork | |
Next-Generation Firewalls and Intrusion Prevention | Security | |
Leadership and organizational behavior | Teamwork | |
Attitude Control with Momentum Exchange Devices | Physics | |
Mathematical Biostatistics Boot Camp 1 | Math Biology Statistics | |
Foundations of strategic business analytics | Business Statistics | |
Industrial Fluid systems & Smart Factory Automation | Fluid Dynamics | |
Wind resources for renewable energies | Energy | |
Simulation and modeling of natural processes | Physics | |
Water: an essential resource | Water | |
Fundamentals of waves and vibrations | Physics | |
Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery (CI/CD) | CI/CD | |
Advanced Django: Building a Blog | Python Web Dev | |
Semiconductor Physics | Physics | |
Health Data Science Foundation | Health Statistics | |
Effective Communication for Today’s Leader | Teamwork | |
AI Workflow: Business Priorities and Data Ingestion | AI | |
Supply Chain Excellence | Business | |
Verb Tenses and Passives | Linguistics | |
Algorithms for Searching, Sorting, and Indexing | Algorithms | |
Python Essentials for MLOps | Python AI | |
Fundamentals of Scalable Data Science | Statistics | |
Everyday Chinese Medicine 2 | Chinese | |
Introduction to Cloud Computing | Cloud | |
Why Smart Executives Fail: Common Mistakes & Warning Signs | Business | |
What is Data Science? | Statistics | |
Selling to Chinese Consumers | Chinese | |
Write Your First Novel | Writing | |
Launch Your Online Business | Business | |
BIM Fundamentals for Engineers | Engineering | |
Business Analytics with Excel: Elementary to Advanced | Business | |
Chinese for HSK 3 PART II | Chinese | |
Chinese for HSK 3 PART I | Chinese | |
Chinese for HSK 2 | Chinese | |
Translation in Practice | Linguistics | |
Classics of Chinese Humanities: Guided Readings | Chinese | |
Chinese Politics Part 2 – China and the World | Chinese | |
Health Concepts in Chinese Medicine | Health Chinese | |
Business Chinese 1 中级汉语 (上) | Chinese Business | |
Chinese Characters for beginner (3) 汉字(3) | Chinese | |
Mandarin Chinese for Intermediate Learners: Part 1 | Chinese | |
Everyday Chinese Medicine | Chinese Health | |
Chinese for HSK 6 | Chinese | |
是誰在說話 -- 可愛的臺灣。(Intermediate Chinese) | Chinese | |
Learning Chinese : Start From Scratch (零到一學中文) | Chinese | |
Chinese Characters for beginner (2) 汉字(2) | Chinese | |
Chinese Politics Part 1 – China and Political Science | Chinese | |
Chinese for HSK 5 | Chinese | |
Mandarin Chinese 1: Chinese for Beginners | Chinese | |
Chinese for HSK 4 | Chinese | |
Chinese for HSK 1 | Chinese | |
More Chinese for Beginners | Chinese | |
Chinese Characters for beginner 汉字 | Chinese | |
Chinese for Beginners | Chinese | |
Magic in the Middle Ages | History | |
Introduction to Data Engineering | Statistics | |
Hands-on Introduction to Linux Commands and Shell Scripting | Linux | |
Reality Bites: Introduction to metaphysics | Philosophy | |
C for Everyone: Programming Fundamentals | C | |
SQL Window Functions for Analytics | SQL | |
Programming Languages, Part A | Programming Languages | |
Fundamentals of Cross-Functional Collaboration | Teamwork | |
Functional Programming Principles in Scala | Scala Functional Programming | |
Master of Advanced Study in Engineering Degree Preview | Engineering | |
Understanding Financial Statements: Company Position | Finance | |
The Strategy of Content Marketing | Marketing | |
EU policy and implementation: making Europe work! | Europe | |
Citizenship and the Rule of Law | Law | |
Introduction to English Common Law | Law | |
AI & Law | AI Law | |
Innovation Through Design: Think, Make, Break, Repeat | | |
Roman Architecture | | |
Roman Art and Archaeology | | |
The Ancient Greeks | Greece | |
Greek and Roman Mythology | Greece Mythology | |
Foundations of Strategy | Strategy | |
Corporate Strategy | Business Strategy | |
Computational Social Science Methods | Computer Science | |
Physics 102 - Electric Charges and Fields | Physics Electricity | |
Astronomy: Exploring Time and Space | Astronomy | |
From the Big Bang to Dark Energy | Astronomy | |
Physics 101 - Forces and Kinematics | Physics | |
Essentials of Global Health | Health | |
Finding Mutations in DNA and Proteins (Bioinformatics VI) | Biology | |
Materials in Oral Health | Biology | |
Implant Dentistry | Biology | |
Introduction to Dental Medicine | Biology | |
Rocket Science in Everyday Life | Astronomy | |
An Introduction to American Law | America Law | |
Making Architecture | | |
Public Speaking and Presentations | Teamwork | |
Mechanics: Motion, Forces, Energy and Gravity, from Particles to Planets | Physics | |
Statistical Mechanics: Algorithms and Computations | Statistics | |
Introduction to Python for Cybersecurity | Python Security | |
Ethical Hacking Essentials (EHE) | Security | |
Phases of Matter: Solid, Liquid, Gas and Beyond | Physics | |
Handling Imbalanced Data Classification Problems | Statistics | |
Microwave engineering and antennas | Physics | |
RF and millimeter-Wave Circuit Design | Physics | |
Bayesian Statistics: From Concept to Data Analysis | Statistics | |
Fundamentals of Quantitative Modeling | Finance | |
Introduction to Financial Engineering and Risk Management | Finance | |
Understanding Financial Statements: Company Performance | Finance | |
Climate Adaptation in Africa | Africa Climate | |
Differential Equations Part I Basic Theory | Differential Equations | |
Introduction to battery-management systems | Batteries | |
Density Functional Theory | | |
Kinematics: Describing the Motions of Spacecraft | Physics | |
Foundations of Business Intelligence | Business | |
Hot Topics in Criminal Justice | Law | |
Nuts and Bolts of U.S. Immigration Law | America Law | |
Social Norms, Social Change I | Teamwork | |
Classical Sociological Theory | Teamwork | |
Global Diplomacy – Diplomacy in the Modern World | | |
Introduction to Abnormal Psychology | Psychology | |
Positive Psychology: Martin E. P. Seligman’s Visionary Science | Psychology | |
Foundations of Teaching for Learning: Being a Teacher | Teamwork | |
The Modern and the Postmodern (Part 1) | | |
Introduction to Physical Chemistry | Chemistry | |
Understanding Korean Politics | Korean Politics | |
Mechanics & Origins of Bipedalism | Biology | |
Advanced Valuation and Strategy - M&A, Private Equity, and Venture Capital | Strategy | |
Digitalisation in Aeronautics | Aviation | |
Urban Air Mobility | Aviation | |
Flight mechanics - The basis | Aviation | |
Astrobiology: Exploring Other Worlds | Astronomy Biology | |
At the Origins of the Mediterranean Civilization: Archaeology of the City from the Levant to the West - 3rd-1st millennium BC | History | |
Chinese Culture and Contemporary China | Chinese | |
Introduction to Ancient Egypt and Its Civilization | Egypt | |
Uncommon Sense Teaching | | |
The Science of Stem Cells | Biology | |
Introduction to Genetics and Evolution | Biology | |
Introductory Human Physiology | Biology | |
Entrepreneurship 1: Developing the Opportunity | Business | |
Business Analysis & Process Management | Business | |
Piano Techniques for Modern Music | | |
Fundamentals of Graphic Design | Graphic Design | |
Introduction to CAD, CAM, and Practical CNC Machining | CAD | |
Moral Foundations of Politics | Politics Philosophy | |
Statistical Thermodynamics: Molecules to Machines | Thermodynamics | |
Cryptography and Information Theory | Security | |
Mastering Data Analysis in Excel | Statistics | |
Understanding Modern Physics I: Relativity and Cosmology | Physics | |
Understanding Modern Physics II: Quantum Mechanics and Atoms | Quantum | |
Fundamentals of Macroscopic and Microscopic Thermodynamics | Thermodynamics | |
Particle Physics: an Introduction | Physics | |
Parallel Programming in Java | Parallel Programming | |
Single-Phase Pipe Hydraulics and Pipe Sizing | Engineering | |
Programming Languages, Part C | Programming Languages | |
C Programming: Getting Started - 1 | C | |
Programming Fundamentals | Computer Science | |
How to Manage a Remote Team | Teamwork | |
Software Architecture Patterns for Big Data | System Architecture | |
Crafting Interpreters | Compilers | |
Distributed Load Testing Using Kubernetes | Kubernetes | |
Basic Mathematics | Math | |
Transfer Learning for NLP with TensorFlow Hub | AI | |
Introduction to Generative AI | AI | |
Natural Language Processing on Google Cloud | Google Cloud | |
Wood Science: Beyond Building | Wood | |
Integrating AWS with the SDK | AWS | |
Introduction to Programming with MATLAB | Statistics Computer Science | |
Introduction to Self-Driving Cars | AI Cars | |
Fundamentals of Reinforcement Learning | AI | |
Customer Analytics | Business Statistics | |
Pricing Options with Mathematical Models | Finance Math | |
Mathematical Thinking in Computer Science | Computer Science Math | |
Experimentation for Improvement | | |
Algorithms, Part I | Algorithms | |
Introduction to Forensic Science | Forensic Science | |
Introduction to Chemistry: Structures and Solutions | Chemistry | |
Introduction to Chemistry: Reactions and Ratios | Chemistry | |
Materials Science: 10 Things Every Engineer Should Know | Materials Science | |
Delivery Problem | Math | |
Optimize Your Database with Indexes | Databases | |
Build, Train and Deploy ML Models with Keras on Google Cloud | Google Cloud AI | |
Amazon Braket Getting Started | Quantum | |
Camera and Imaging | Photography | |
Production Machine Learning Systems | AI | |
Fundamental Neuroscience for Neuroimaging | Neuroscience | |
The 3D Printing Revolution | CAD | |
Introduction to 3D Modeling | CAD | |
3D CAD Fundamental | CAD | |
3D Models for Virtual Reality | Virtual Reality | |
3D Interaction Design in Virtual Reality | Virtual Reality | |
Fundamentals of Visualization with Tableau | Statistics | |
Introduction to Virtual Reality | Virtual Reality | |
Number Theory and Cryptography | Math Security | |
Introduction to Applied Cryptography | Security | |
Modern Robotics, Course 1: Foundations of Robot Motion | Robotics | |
Robotics: Aerial Robotics | Aviation Robotics | |
Phase Diagrams | Physics | |
Fundamentals of Materials Science | Materials Science | |
Introduction to Materials Science | Materials Science | |
Getting started with TensorFlow 2 | AI | |
Introduction to Image Processing | Statistics AI | |
Introduction to Android Mobile Application Development | Android | |
Introduction to Public Speaking | Teamwork | |
The Art of Storytelling | Teamwork | |
Verbal Communications and Presentation Skills | Teamwork | |
Presentations: Speaking so that People Listen | Teamwork | |
Storytelling and influencing: Communicate with impact | Teamwork | |
Successful Presentation | Teamwork | |
Finding Your Professional Voice: Confidence & Impact | Teamwork | |
Speaking and Presenting: Poise | Teamwork | |
Data Science Math Skills | Statistics | |
Introduction to iOS Mobile Application Development | | |
Introduction to Computer Vision | AI | |
Matrix Algebra for Engineers | Linear Algebra | |
Algorithmic Toolbox | Algorithms | |
Process Data from Dirty to Clean | Statistics | |
Introduction to DevOps | DevOps | |
Foundations of User Experience (UX) Design | UI/UX | |
Foundations of Cybersecurity | Security | |
Sales and CRM Overview | Business | |
Introduction to Negotiation: A Strategic Playbook for Becoming a Principled and Persuasive Negotiator | Business | |
Financial Markets | Finance | |
Positive Psychiatry and Mental Health | Psychology | |
Introduction to the Biology of Cancer | Biology | |
Sustainable Consumption and Health | Health | |
Introduction to Psychology | Psychology | |
The Digital Marketing Revolution | Marketing | |
Foundations: Data, Data, Everywhere | Statistics | |
Logic for Economists | Logic Economics | |
Introduction to Information Technology and AWS Cloud | AWS | |
Exploring Quantum Physics | Quantum | |
Transformer Models and BERT Model | AI | |
Introduction to Marketing | Marketing | |
AWS Cloud Technical Essentials | AWS | |
Exploratory Data Analysis for Machine Learning | AI Statistics | |
The Data Warehouse Toolkit | Databases | |
Data Science for Business | Statistics Business | |
Introduction to Automata Theory, Languages, And Computation | Automata Theory | |
The Catcher in the Rye | | |
Rocks of Ages: Science and Religion in the Fullness of Life | | |
On the Origin of Species | | |
Nine Theories of Religion | | |
Darkness Visible | | |
Ready to Roll – The Video Production Process | Filmmaking | |
Making Your First Virtual Reality Game | Virtual Reality | |
Introduction to Software Engineering | Computer Science | |
Introduction to Low Latency Systems | Computer Science | |
Low Latency Programming: Under The Hood | Computer Science | |
Economics In One Lesson | Economics | |
Hitch-22 | | |
Deep Learning with Python | AI Python | |
The Last Algorithms Course You'll Need | Algorithms | |
The Symmetries of Things | | |
Designing with Web Standards | Web Dev | |
A List Apart | Web Dev | |
Streaming systems | | |
Studies in Pessimism | | |
When Breath Becomes Air | | |
Mortality | | |
George Orwell Essays | | |
Why We Love Dogs, Eat Pigs, and Wear Cows: An Introduction to Carnism | | |
Advanced Kubernetes Deployment Strategies and Networking | Kubernetes | |
Business English: Management and Leadership | Business English | |
Excel Skills for Business: Essentials | Business | |
Animal Rights: The Abolitionist Approach | | |
A Law Student's Toolkit | Law | |
Strategic Innovation: Building and Sustaining Innovative Organizations | Strategy | |
The Life You Can Save | | |
The Expanding Circle | | |
Practical Ethics | | |
Animal Liberation | | |
On Suicide | | |
Lolita | | |
The Rachel Papers | | |
The Brothers Karamazov | | |
Notes from Underground | | |
Galileo Galilei | | |
Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind | | |
Homo Deus: A Brief History of Tomorrow | | |
Dominion: The Making of the Western Mind | | |
The Case for Christ | Theology | |
Natural Theology or Evidences of the Existence and Attributes of the Deity | | |
Construction Equipment and Methods: Planning, Innovation, Safety | | |
Why Nations Fail: The Origins of Power, Prosperity, and Poverty | | |
The Narrow Corridor: States, Societies, and the Fate of Liberty | | |
Power and Progress: Our Thousand-Year Struggle Over Technology and Prosperity | | |
Introduction to modern economic growth | Economics | |
Infidel: My Life | | |
Aap in Pak | Fiction | |
Kaput | | |
A History of Russia | Russia | |
Programming PHP | PHP | |
The Large Scale Structure of Space-Time | Physics | |
Thinking, Fast and Slow | Philosophy | |
Foundations of Scalable Systems | System Architecture | |
1984 | Philosophy | |
Grokking Algorithms | Algorithms | |
Internet Routing Architectures | Networking | |
Graduate Texts in Mathematics | Math | |
Chemistry | Chemistry | |
Monolith to Microservices | Web Dev | |
Concrete Mathematics | Math | |
Kafka | Web Dev | |
A Short History of Nearly Everything | History | |
Practical Statistics for Data Scientists | Math Statistics | |
Node: Up and Running | JavaScript | |
Antarctica | Antarctica | |
Cloud Native Patterns | Cloud | |
Designing Web APIs | Web Dev Security | |
Don't Make Me Think | UI/UX | |
Ethics in the Real World | Philosophy | |
Ordinary Men | Philosophy | |
The Art of Communicating Value | Business | |
Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica | Philosophy | |
Justice | Philosophy | |
Category Theory for Programmers | Math Category Theory | |
Logic for Computer Scientists | Math | |
Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs | Computer Science | |
Fundamentals of Software Architecture | System Architecture | |
How to Prove It | Math | |
The Phoenix Project | Computer Science | |
PostgreSQL: Up & Running | Databases | |
Domain-Driven Design | Computer Science | |